Archiving parts of my site on the Blockchain

The internet never forgets (until it has to)

I love blockchain technology in general. I’m an investor in, have written about, and am a user of, various blockchain platforms. I have also contributed by disclosing bugs in various blockchains.

I have used a few document storage blockchain projects like Storj, IPFS, etc a little under 4 years ago.

Now that I have my own site, I decided to look at these protocols again. I recalled a protocol that was on my radar called Arweave, a data storage blockchain protocol. I found it to be the easiest to use for what I wanted. I had read their whitepaper ages ago, but hadn’t really used their tech.

Today was the perfect opportunity to use it.

Arweave has a concept they call “permaweb”, built on top of the Arweave network.

The permaweb is a collection of interlinked documents and applications that get stored permanently on their protocol (so you may want to be careful what you put there).

I decided to put some sections of my site on the permaweb. Ironically, I opted to archive all the articles I wrote about blockchain technology - on the blockchain (technically “blockweave”)!

E.g. this paper - Future tourism trends: Utilizing non-fungible tokens to aid wildlife conservation is no longer pointing to the AJHTL Journal website. It is now pointing to, and archived on, the Arweave permaweb.

Archived paper:

View raw transaction :

View in block explorer:

Why did I do it?

For fun. And because I like keeping my finger on the pulse of what’s happening in this industry.

In due time, I will migrate this entire site to be hosted, in parallel, on one of these blockchain protocols. Again, just for fun :-)


I have pinned my 2017 article from Pentest Magazine on IPFS. The article is a tutorial on reverse engineering, exploit writing and micropatching - A new initiative of micropatching - 0patch!

This article on the impact of community currencies in low-income communities is also archived on the Arweave permaweb


Static analysis lessons from big tech co’s


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